Motorcycle Accident and Personal Injury Claims
Unfortunately motorcycle accidents happen and when they do there is a whole army of accident and personal injury lawyers and solicitors looking to assist you with a claim.
Motorcycle accidents have issues which do not affect car accidents. For example, a defective road surface is far more dangerous for a person driving a motorbike than for a car or a lorry as are spills or objects in the road.
It is imperative that your solicitor, lawyer or legal adviser is aware of the features of processing a motorbike claim which are particular to bikes.
Your personal injury solicitor must be aware of how a bike reacts very differently to a car.
Many motorcycle accident compensation claims are processed without access to the necessary expertise and solicitors who lack experience in motorbike accident claims often make concessions which unnecessarily reduce their clients’ compensation amounts because of their lack of knowledge. It is therefore advisable to deal with a lawyer who specialises in motorcycle claims.
A specialist team of motorbike accident solicitors will have dealt with many types of motorbike accident cases including:
Defective road surfaces – motorbike accidents caused by potholes and other surface defects
Objects in the road – motorcycle crashes caused by gravel, branches or other obstructions in the road
Filtering – motorcycle compensation claims from accidents where a biker was overtaking outside or between lines of traffic and was struck by a car or truck
Spills – motorcycle compensation claims made for accidents caused by substances spilled in the road such as fuel or water that freezes into ice
Undertaking – motorcycle accident claims where a motorcyclist is struck while legally undertaking
It’s very common that the other driver will claim that an accident occurred because a motorcyclist was speeding or was driving in a way that made him or her invisible to cars. A specialist motorbike accident claim solicitor will have the understanding to know how to produce evidence to refute these claims or to show that the accident was a result of the other driver’s negligence, even if speed was a factor.
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